Software Configuration Management Mind Map. Freeplane runs on any operating system that has a current version of Java installed. The creation of Mind Mapping software took the entire process to a whole new level.
699 on iOS and 549 on Android for additional features including unlimited elements. Mindmup is a mind map software written in JavaScript and can run in HTML5 browsers. Mind view is a professional mind mapping software that alows you to optimize brainstorming sessionspresents ideas visuallyorganize and develop ideasoutline reports and streamline decision making using WBS software to apply task informationview the 100add costs and intergrate with MS project.
It is also used for brainstorming presentation notes taking and problem solving.
MindManager Mind Map Maker. The software can be used for mind mapping and analyzing the information contained in mind maps. It is actually a visual thinking tool that helps in structuring information better analysis comprehensions manufacturing recall and generating new ideas. It has a lot of inbuilt mind mapping templates dedicated to different aspects of business such as marketing operations and much more.